Boshlash uchun buyuk bo’lish kerak emas,
Buyuk bo’lish uchun boshlash kerak
Steve Jobs
MS Excel dasturi
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- MS Excel
Informatika fanidan testlar tahlili
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- Informatika
Sanoq sistemalari
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- Informatika
Axborotlarni kodlash
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- Informatika
Kompyuterning mantiqiy ishlash prinsipi
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- Informatika
Informatikadan boshlang’ich tushunchalar
- tomonidan
- Nurbek Toshmamatov
- ichida
- Bepul
Yilning eng yaxshi taklifi!
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Sevimli toifangizni tanlang va o’rganishni boshlang.
A creative community with thousands of users.
“ I’ve been using Tutpad for a year, and I really like their teaching method. In just a few months, I realized how much I improved my design skills, especially in Illustrator. I truly recommend this platform to get used to working with Adobe. “
Here, I focus on a range of items and features that we use in life without giving them a second thought such as Coca Cola, body muscles and holding ones own breath. Though, most of these notes are not fundamentally necessary, they are such that you can use them.
“ I’ve been using Tutpad for a year, and I really like their teaching method. In just a few months, I realized how much I improved my design skills, especially in Illustrator. I truly recommend this platform to get used to working with Adobe. “
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